FLEXnet Publisher Composite Transaction Utility =============================================== The files in this folder are used to build demo activation utilities that use composite transactions to transfer rights from a server to end-users and enterprise license servers. Composite transactions allow multiple actions to be performed in one round trip to the server, for example return some rights and acquire others. It is intended as a resource for developers, validators and documenters of FNP and FNP enabled products. It is not intended for release to end-users, rather as a model for the development of activation utilites for FNP enabled products. IN PARTICULAR the functionality it provides for cancelling stored requests could be used by fraudulent users to obtain additional licences using a manual (offline) return transaction - by cancelling the request instead of processing the response. This ability may need to be provided so that bona fide users who start a return transaction but cannot complete can continue to check out from the fulfillment. The business rules must define the criteria for allowing return requests to be cancelled. The utility is built by the kit makefile.act to binaries appcomptranutil and servercomptranutil. To obtain usage information, launch the binary with no arguments or with -help appcomptranutil -help Developers - see comment block at the start of compTranUtil.c