This document contains information about new features, important product considerations, and installation instructions for Microsoft® Personal Web Server (PWS). The following sections are included:
Welcome to Personal Web Server 4.0
Product Comparison: PWS for Windows 98 and PWS for Windows NT Workstation
Installing PWS 4.0
Product Documentation
Other Known Problems and Limitations
Providing Feedback
Welcome to Personal Web Server! In the Personal Web Server package, Microsoft has pulled together some exciting new functionality that makes Microsoft® Windows 98® an even easier platform to use for sharing information on a personal Web site.
The Personal Web Server package makes it easy to install any of the following new features:
PWS for Windows 98provides a graphical administration interface designed for users with no prior experience creating and administering Web sites. This interface is also provided as the default administration tool in Personal Web Server for Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation; however, with the Windows NT Workstation version, you can also administer your personal publishing site with Internet Service Manager, the same full-featured administration tool used to control Microsoft Internet Information Server.
Feature | PWS for Windows NT Workstation | PWS for Windows 98 |
Typical Uses | Full-featured site development or personal publishing on a corporate intranet | Personal publishing on a low-volume corporate intranet |
WWW Service | Yes | Yes |
FTP Service | Yes | No |
Connection Limit | 10 | 10 |
Active Server Pages | Yes | Yes |
Site Use Logging | NCSA Log File Format (default) MSCSV standard and extended (optional) | NCSA Log File Format |
Publishing Sources | Local and network drives | Local drives only |
Optional ISM Interface | Yes | No |
Authentication | Basic or Windows NT Challenge/Response | None |
These are the system requirements for the installation of PWS.
Hardware Component | Requirement | Recommendation |
Processor | 33 MHz 486 | 90 MHz Pentium® |
RAM | 16 MB | 20 - 32 MB |
Free hard disk space | 30 MB | 40 MB |
Monitor | VGA | Super VGA |
On Windows 98, PWS offers the following three installation options:
The following table describes the available options for each type of installation. An X in the Min. column indicates options included by default in the Minimum Install option. An X in the Typ. column indicates additional options included in the Typical Install option. Options without an X in either column are available as selections in the Custom Install option.
Min. | Typ. | Components and Sub-components |
X | FrontPage Server Extensions Supports the use of Microsoft® FrontPage® to manage your Web site, as well as create the site content. |
X | FrontPage Server Extension Files | |
Connection Manager Administration Kit | ||
Product Documentation | ||
Connection Manager Administration Kit Documentation | ||
Getting Started Documentation | ||
X | Microsoft Data Access Components Easy use of databases with support for ActiveX Data Objects and the Microsoft Access driver. |
X | Data Sources | |
X | Jet and Access | |
Oracle | ||
X | SQL Server | |
X | MDAC: ADO, ODBC, and OLE DB | |
ADO Documentation | ||
X | MDAC Core Files: ADO, ODBC, and OLE DB | |
X | Remote Data Service | |
X | RDS Core Files | |
RDS Docs | ||
RDS Samples | ||
RDS v1.1 Files | ||
Microsoft Message Queue Allows applications to pass along transaction notification and continue processing without waiting for confirmation that the transaction has completed. |
HTML Documentation | ||
Microsoft Message Queue Client | ||
Software Development Kit | ||
X | Personal Web Server A Web server that uses TCP/IP to host a Web site on a corporate intranet. |
X | Common Program Files | |
X | Documentation | |
Active Server Pages | ||
X | Common Documentation Files | |
X | PWS Administrator Documentation | |
X | Personal Web Manager | |
X | World Wide Web Server | |
X | Transaction Server Supports creation of Microsoft Transaction Server applications. A transaction is a server operation that succeeds or fails as a whole, even if the operation involves many steps. MTS also supports process isolation of applications. |
X | Transaction Server Core Components | |
X | Transaction Server Core Documentation | |
Transaction Server Development | ||
Transaction Server Development | ||
Transaction Server Development Documentation | ||
Visual Basic Transaction Server Add-In | ||
Visual InterDev RAD Remote Deployment Support Enables the remote deployment of applications on your Web server by using Microsoft® Visual InterDev. |
Visual InterDev RAD Remote Deployment Support |
See Troubleshooting for more information.
The Windows® 98 CD includes Personal Web Server (PWS); however, PWS requires a separate setup step to be fully installed and configured. To install PWS, you will need the Windows 98 CD, and you will need to follow these steps:
All documentation for the product is available online. You can view the Help topics by clicking Start and pointing to the program group where the product is installed, or by using the Help menu of the administration tool. Context-sensitive help is also available by pressing the F1 key while viewing a property sheet or dialog box.
Please observe the following guidelines when using the online documentation:
Pages printed by using the Contents print icon will not include graphics or linked documents. Also, the Contents print icon does not work in conjunction with the sample scripts and programs found in the Developer Samples section of the PWS documentation. If you select a topic in the Developer Samples section and click the Contents print icon, you will receive an error message indicating that the file cannot be found.
An alternative way to print individual topics is to right-click a topic and then click Print.
The WWW service must be installed and the server must be running in order to view the documentation (with the exception of the release notes and troubleshooting files). If Web Site is stopped, when you click Product Documentation you will get an error message saying "A connection with the server could not be established." If you get this error, start Personal Web Manager and check the status of the Web Site; if stopped, then start the service.
Most navigation of the documentation occurs in the left frame. To view the table of contents, click the Contents button. Click a heading to view the pages that contain summaries of the information included in that section of the contents tree. Expand and collapse branches of the contents tree to view or hide topic sections.
To view the index, select the Index property sheet in the left frame. Type a word to advance to the portion of the index that is closest to the word you type. Double-click a topic to see the topic or a list of topics containing the keyword.
Note Depending on the browser you use, the left frame navigational devices are either ActiveX controls (on Internet Explorer) or Java controls (on Netscape browsers); therefore, if you do not see the table of contents in the left frame, ensure that you have the following browser settings. For Internet Explorer, set your browser security to Medium and enable ActiveX controls and plug-ins. For Netscape browsers, enable Java and JavaScript.
Some of the functionality available in the documentation's left frame, such as the table of contents (TOC) synchronization button, may not function properly if you have a previous version of Hhctrl.ocx installed. Because version control for this file has not been activated in the documentation, please search for Hhctrl.ocx and delete any copies of this file found on your local drive. The next time you access the documentation, you will be prompted to accept the certificate that will install the updated TOC control.
The following list contains problems and limitations that are known to exist in this release:
To reverse this process, (that is, to change the threading model from Both to Apartment) double-click Makeapt15.bat in the Program Files\Common Files\System\Ado folder.
Note We recommend that you do not store instances of the Database Access Component in the Session object.
Change the named value for ThreadingModel to Apartment. If you use the Dictionary object at Application scope without making this change, corruption of data may occur.
You can download the Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 2 at
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript RUNAT=SERVER> Sub Application_OnStart set initobj = Server.CreateObject("YourJavaObject") End Sub </SCRIPT>
For Visual Basic, the code should read:
ErrorHandler: ' cleanup If Not adoRS Is Nothing Then Set adoRS = Nothing End If If Not adoConn Is Nothing Then Set adoConn = Nothing End If Err.Raise Err.Number, "Bank.Accout.Post", Err.Description Exit Function
For Visual C++, the code should read:
// // ErrorInfo is saved here because the following // ADO cleanup code may clear it. // IErrorInfo * pErrorInfo = NULL; GetErrorInfo(NULL, &pErrorInfo); if (adoRsBalance) adoRsBalance->Release(); if (adoCoConnection) adoCoConnection->Release(); AtlReportError( CLSID_CAccount, pErrMsg, IID_IAccount, hr); // // put the error back in TLS // SetErrorInfo(NULL, pErrorInfo);
For Visual J++, the code should read:
if (adoRsBalance != null) { if (adoRsBalance.getState() == ObjectStateEnum.adStateOpen) adoRsBalance.Close(); ComLib.release (adoRsBalance); } if (adoConn != null) { if (adoConn.getState() == ObjectStateEnum.adStateOpen) adoConn.Close(); ComLib.release (adoConn); }
Note In Visual J++ you must explicitly close recordsets and/or connections as well as explicitly release the ADO objects.
Note Leave the Program Arguments box blank, otherwise the procedure will not work.
Note Selecting Execute <class name> will not initiate debugging.
Peer-to-peer newsgroups are available to help you interact with other users of our products, including Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs). You can use any newsreader software to access these newsgroups. Regardless of the newsreader or news client you are using, you may need to configure it to read the newsgroups. When prompted for News Server, type You do not need to enter an account name or password. Before posting to the newsgroups, please review the Microsoft Newsgroup Rules of Conduct. For more information about Microsoft newsgroups please see and select Personal Web Server.
Newsgroups supporting the Personal Web Server 4.0 will become available in the near future. You should refresh your newsgroup subscriptions often in order to find the latest newsgroup for this product.
© 1997 Microsoft Corporation
These materials are provided as-is, for informational purposes only.
Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers makes any warranty, express or implied with respect to the content of these materials or the accuracy of any information contained herein, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow exclusions of implied warranties, the above limitation may not apply to you.
Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers shall have any liability for any damages whatsoever including consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, special, and lost profits. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow exclusions of implied warranties, the above limitation may not apply to you. In any event, Microsofts and its suppliers entire liability in any manner arising out of these materials, whether by tort, contract, or otherwise shall not exceed the suggested retail price of these materials.
Addendum to end-user license agreement for Microsoft Software.