[Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" [Global] ; in K2 setup, iis.dll will handle this [Global] section and set setup mode appropriately. ; Your don’t have to worry about this section. ; ; you can specify the mode that setup runs in ; Setup will take on the install modes based on the configuration of target machine ; Fresh, Maintanence, Upgrade ; ; FreshMode = [ Minimal | Typical | Custom ] ; MaintanenceMode = [ AddRemove | RemoveAll ] ; UpgradeMode = [ UpgradeOnly | AddExtraComps ] ; If machine is in FreshMode, but no "FreshMode=" line is specified, then Typical is the default value. ; If machine is in MaintanenceMode, but no "MaintanenceMode=" line is specified, then There is no default value and you will get an error message in the registry. ;(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OC Manager\MasterInfs\Errors) ; If machine is in UpgradeMode, but no "UpgradeMode=" line is specified, then UpgradeOnly is the default value. FreshMode = Typical MaintanenceMode = RemoveAll [Components] ;=[ ON | OFF ] ; this [components] section is valid only when ;FreshMode = Custom ;MaintanenceMode = AddRemove ;UpgradeMode = AddExtraComps ; pws iis_common = ON iis_www = ON iis_pwmgr = ON iis_doc_common = ON iis_doc_pwmcore = ON iis_doc_asp = OFF ; mts mts_core=on mts_core_docs=on mts_mtsdev=on mts_mtsdev_core=on mts_mtsdev_core_docs=on mts_mtsdev_vbaddin=on ; FrontPage Extensions fp_extensions=ON fp_vid_deploy=OFF ; DAC DAC_ADO_CORE = ON DAC_DRV_BRAZOS = ON DAC_DRV_SQLSRV = ON DAC_DRV_ORACLE = ON DAC_ADO_DOC = ON DAC_RDS_11 = OFF DAC_RDS_CORE ON DAC_RDS_DOC ON DAC_RDS_SAMPLE = ON ; MSMQ requires msmqinst.ini file Msmq_Server_Core = OFF Msmq_Admin = OFF Msmq_SDK = OFF Msmq_Doc = OFF ; Rasics COMMONDOC = OFF CMAKPROG = OFF CMAKDOC = OFF [iis] ; Each major component may have it own private data. ;Path =c:\install\path PathWWWRoot=E:\MyInetpub\wwwroot PathPROGRoot=E:\MyProgRoot [mts_core] Path="C:\Program Files\Mts" USERID="Interactive User" PASSWORD=""