Citrix ICA Clients
The Citrix ICA Clients let you use a computer running DOS, Windows Version 3.1, Windows for Workgroups Version 3.11, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows CE, UNIX, Apple Macintosh, or a Java-enabled platform to run applications remotely on a Windows Terminal Server with Citrix MetaFrame Application Server for Windows installed or on a Citrix WinFrame server.
The Citrix ICA Clients provide users with the following advanced features:
- Transparent, configurable access to client disk drives, COM ports, and printers
- Audio support
- Transparent clipboard cut and paste between applications running locally and applications running on the MetaFrame or WinFrame server
- Load balancing across multiple MetaFrame and WinFrame servers
- Optimized, configurable low-bandwidth connection support
- Direct Dial-In support (does not require RAS)
- Seamless windows (Win32 Client only)
- RSA RC5 encryption support for the Citrix ICA DOS, Win16, Win32, and Web Clients using Citrix SecureICA Services
- Client Auto Update for updating multiple client installations from a central location
For installation instructions, system requirement information, and help and support information for a specific Citrix ICA Client, see the following pages: