Citrix ICA Client for 32-bit Windows

This document describes how to install and use the Citrix ICA Client for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000, also known as the Citrix ICA Win32 Client. The Citrix ICA Win32 Client lets you use a Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000 computer to connect to a Microsoft Windows Terminal Server system with Citrix MetaFrame installed or a Citrix WinFrame server and run applications remotely.


Computers used with the Citrix ICA Win32 Client should meet the following requirements:

Setting Up the Citrix ICA Win32 Client

To install the Citrix ICA Win32 Client:

  1. Copy the files in the \Icaclient\Ica32\disk1 and \Icaclient\Ica32\disk2 directories to two diskettes. (If the client computer is already usable as a network workstation and can access network resources, you can install over the network by running the Citrix ICA Win32 Client installation program Setup.exe, found in the \Icaclient\Ica32\disk1 directory.)
  2. Make sure your client computer is properly configured and cabled. Make sure any previous installations of the Citrix ICA Win32 Client (including the ICA Seamless Connection Center, whose icon appears in the system tray in the task bar if it is active) or the WinFrame Win32 Client are not running.
  3. Insert the first diskette in drive A (or other appropriate drive) of your client computer. For Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 client computers, execute a:setup using the Run option on the Start menu. For Windows NT 3.5x client computers, execute a:setup using the Run option on the File pull-down menu of Program Manager.
  4. The installation wizard appears. Follow the directions on your screen.

For more information on the Citrix ICA Win32 Client, access ICA Client Help in the Citrix ICA Client program group or the Remote Application Manager Help menu.

How to Get Product Help and Support

Citrix provides technical support primarily through its Citrix Solutions Network channel partners. Our CSN partners are trained and authorized to provide a high level of support to our customers. Please contact your supplier for first-line support or use Citrix Online Technical Support to find the nearest CSN partner.

In addition to the CSN channel program, Citrix offers Online Technical Support Services at that include the following:

The Citrix Technical Support Bulletin Board Service is fully integrated with Citrix Online Technical Support Services. Customers without Web or email access can dial in to the Citrix BBS at (954) 267-2590. Communication parameters are: no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, up to 28,800 baud.

Direct International Technical Support is available in Europe. The telephone number is +31-20-691-5294, and the fax number is +31-20-691-5816. Email support is also available at

Contact Details

United States
Citrix Systems, Inc.
6400 Northwest Sixth Way
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone: (954) 267-3000
Fax: (954) 267-9319
BBS: (954) 267-2590
Internet URL:

Citrix Systems Pty Ltd.
State Forest Building
423 Pennant Hills Road
Pennant Hills, NSW 2120
Telephone: +61(2)9980-6888
Fax: +61(2)9980-6763
Internet URL:

Citrix Systems SARL
84 Avenue du General Leclerc
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Telephone: +33(1)55601070
Fax: +33(1)55601071
Internet URL:

Citrix EMEA
Am Soeldnermoos 17
85399 Hallbergmoos
Telephone: +49(89)607687-10
Fax: +49(89)607687-11
Internet URL:

Citrix Systems UK Ltd.
Buckingham Court, Kingsmead Business Park
London Road, High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire, HP11 1JU
Telephone: +44 (0) 1494 684900
Fax: +44 (0) 1494 684998
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