------------------------------------------- Readme for Microsoft (R) Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Client, version 4.0 ------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1999 To install Win32 Terminal Server Client: 1. At a command prompt, type drive:\add-ons\tsclient\mstsc\win32\setup (where drive is the letter of the drive containing the CD-ROM), and press ENTER. 2. The Welcome to the Terminal Server Client installation program dialog box appears. Read the information and click Continue. 3. The Name and Organization Information dialog box appears: In Name, type your full name. In Organization, type the name of your organization. 4. The Confirm Name and Organization dialog box appears. If the information is correct, click OK. 5. The License Agreement dialog box appears. If you accept the license information, click I Agree. 6. The Terminal Server Client Setup dialog box appears. To begin installation, click the large button. 7. The Terminal Server Client - Change Program Group dialog box appears. Do one of the following: Use the default Terminal Server Client group. -or- In Existing Groups, click an existing group. -or- In Program Group, type a new group name. 8. Click Continue. 9. The Terminal Server Client Setup dialog box appears. Click OK to complete the installation.