Index of \\Drivers\Display: · Cirrus Logic 5465 PCI = \cirrus\5465pci · Cyrix MediaGX(TM) = \cyrix\mediagx · Matrox MGA Millennium PowerDesk = \matrox\powerdsk · Matrox Mystique PowerDesk = \matrox\powerdsk · Matrox Mystique AGP PowerDesk = \matrox\powerdsk · Matrox Millennium II PowerDesk = \matrox\powerdsk · Matrox Millennium II AGP PowerDesk = \matrox\powerdsk · Matrox G200 = \matrox\G200 · NeoMagic MagicGraph 128XD = \neomagic\NMG4 · S3 Inc. ViRGE/MX (M5 - LAPTOP ONLY) = \s3\86c260m5 · Silicon Motion SM910 PCI = \smotion\lynx910 · STB Velocity 128 (Riva)= \stb\vel1283d · Trident 9382 = \trident\9382 · Trident 9385 = \trident\9385 · Trident Image 975 Linear Accelerated for PCI = \trident\jag975 Please note: ONLY USE THIS FILE IF MICROSOFT TECHNICAL SUPPORT RECOMMENDS THIS FIX. If you have a problem booting to safe mode Windows 98 and your PCI chipset is an early version of the triton chipset, please read the README.TXT file in the \vga directory for instructions on how to install and use this vga driver. Alternate VGA Driver for Early Triton based MB's = \vga